The Lebanese Center for Civic Education, in partnership with Maharat Foundation, conducted a series of training seminars in Akkar to activate the role of women to participate in public life.

LCCE works towards community development and youth economic empowerment through building their skills to enter the labor market, and nurture entrepreneurship spirit
LCCE works on spreading concept of civic and non sectarian culture, promoting Human Rights, social cohesion and responsible citizenship among Youths.
LCCE works to protect society and empower young people socially by building their personality through many activities
Community and Culture
LCCE Latest News
The Lebanese Center for Civic Education, in partnership with Maharat Foundation, conducted a series of training seminars in Akkar to activate the role of women to participate in public life.
LCCE participated in the discussion about '' Resilient women'' organised by the' 'organisation internationale de la Francophonie'' duirng the village de la francophonie à Djerba.
LCCE implemented social media training for 30 micro-entrepreneurs for IRC micro-entrepreneurship programs in Akkar, Tripoli, and Mount Lebanon.
LCCE Projects