Training sessions on providing "basic mental health care" for migrant domestic workers (MDW)

Civil Society Organizations’ (CSOs) frontline workers in Lebanon play an essential role in alleviating the risks resulting from the exposure of migrant domestic workers to psychological pressure.
Following an assessment conducted by LCCE to highlight the CSO frontline workers training needs, LCCE conducted in collaboration with the National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) at the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), a capacity building program,for non-specialized frontline workers in providing basic mental health care for migrant domestic workers (MDW), taking into account the social and cultural conditions related to the MDWs in Lebanon.
50 frontline workers from 12 CSOs attended the training sessions that were conducted at Citea Hotel in Ashrafieh during January and February, and received a training handbook.
The following topics were presented during the training:
- The Factors Affecting MDWs’ Mental Health
- The Effects of Psychological Stressors on MDWs
- Managing Stress and Common Psychological Stressors
- Emotional Crisis Management
- Essential Principles When Working with Migrant Workers
- Self-Care Tools for Frontline Workers
- Case Studies
This project is implemented by the Lebanese Center for Civic Education (LCCE) as part of the "Support for the Social Recovery of Vulnerable Groups in Beirut" project in coordination with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), with financing from the Lebanon Financing Facility administered by the World Bank.