200 young women and girls completed the micro-entrepreneurship support program
The project is supported by the "Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie OIF" through its fund "La Francophonie avec Elles"; and was implemented in collaboration with 5 unions of municipalities in Akkar:
Akkar Al-chamaly; Dreib Al-awsat; Al-chafat; Al-jouma; Sahel Akkar.
The program focused on training and coaching these young women to start revenues generating activities in promising sectors in the context of current crisis, such as food based products (processing and pastries); traditional soap making ; cloth works; as well as digital skills building and web design.
A final event was hold online through a webinar to present project milestones and success stories; the certificates of participation were distributed to the beneficiaries in the locations of the union of muniicpalities in Akkar.
The beneficiaires will continue benefiting from Imkaniyat digital network that was established during the project.